Own it

This week we talked about what ownership means to us. If I create something, I own it but I also have to take responsibility for it. This might be an installation that has to be started each day of an exhibition or it could be an opinion or moral I want to emphasise on. Therefore if I make a conceptual mistake, I should own up and take responsibility for it.
Talking about nightmares, my biggest nightmare in connection with my bachelor thesis is if people aren’t emotionally touched by my project or if they actually don’t care about it at all. It should bring people to a new perspective of death and it should start a social discourse. In the meantime what it shouldn’t do is to force a certain opinion onto people, because I am really convinced that people should make up their own minds by just giving them some new perspectives or hints to question their behaviour/life.
My proposal is unique, because I don’t want people to feel comfortable and I don’t necessarily want to take people’s anxiety about death or death related topics. I wish for people to have a more healthy life-death balance by sometimes thinking about it. Also scientific paper showed that if you actually prepare for death e.g. by experiencing it (but of course one doesn’t die) or by dealing with it one immediately feels less anxious and one appreciates nature and the surrounding even more.
I wish my bachelor thesis could have the same impact as Dani and Vinz’ votetandem had. It was a new perspective on the Swiss voting system and it was well represented in media and most important, it is still working until today!